
Wishlist| Sabo Skirt

For months now I've been following this brand through their website and their instagram and I have to say that... I'm in love. Their clothes are pure summer, beach and sun. It's different, boho and unique, a combination which makes me go a little crazy. I haven't bought anything from them yet, probably because it's a little expensive and I'd have to buy things online as it's an Australian brand, but who knows... I may decide to splurge on something one of this days. You should definitely check it out even if it's just for inspiration because it's amazing!

Hace meses que llevo siguiendo esta marca mediante su página web y su instagram y he de decir que... me he enamorado. La ropa es puro verano, sol y playa . Es diferente, bohemia y única, una combinación que me vuelve loca. No he comprado nada todavía, probablemente porque sí que es un poco cara y porque solo se puede pedir por internet ya que es una marca australiana, pero quien sabe.... quizás me decida y comprar algo un día de estos. Tenéis que echarle un vistazo aunque solo sea por buscar algo de inspiración porque es increíble! 

Here I leave you some of my favourite items.
Aquí os dejo algunas de mis prendas favoritas.